This article Supplied by Wedio collaboration
There are several things you need to pay attention to when creating videos for social media. The purpose of this guide is to provide you with an overview of those things. The following is reviewed for each video format:
● A short description of the video format
● When that video format is good to use
● General tips to get the most out of your video format
● Recommended video specs for the chosen video format
This guide should be used during the “Pre-Production phase” where you and your client are still exchanging creative briefs.
Not sure how to do a creative brief? Don’tworry we’ve got you covered with our free creative brief template.
In this guide on how to produce videos for social media, we will be focusing on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Google Display.
Table of Contents
Table of content
● How to Use This Guide
● Know Your Digital Distribution Channels and Get More Satisfied Clients.
● Explanation | Paid Social Media vs. Owned Social Media
● Facebook Video Ads
● Instagram Video Ads
● YouTube Ads
● LinkedIn Video Ads
● Google Display Ads
● Snapchat Video Ads
● Organic Facebook
● Organic Instagram
● Organic YouTube
● Organic LinkedIn

How to use this guide
You are currently in the “Pre-Production-phase”. You now need to consider which channel your upcoming video should be distributed.
Which Paid Social Media and Owned Social Media should you distribute your video to reach your viewer?
If your client (the advertiser) is not sure of where the video should be distributed, send them this guide, to give them an overview of the different distribution channels and ad formats.
Know your digital distribution channels and get more satisfied clients

Video productions for various social media platforms are booming.
But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at some of the data we have gathered below:
- 85% of all companies use video productions as a marketing tool
- 95% of all marketers state that video productions are an important part of their marketing strategy.
In 2017 all companies used 63% of their marketing for video productions. At the beginning of 2018, that number had increased to 81%. This increase in demand for video productions doesn’t seem to slow down anytime soon. A study shows that by the beginning of 2020 all companies used up to 87% of their marketing on video productions.
Not only that, companies like Post Office suggest that empowering your employees to help in producing videos has numerous benefits. Our guides will help them do it right.
To further emphasize this, YouTube has now surpassed as the world’s second-biggest search engine – only second to Google. Funny enough, 88% of professional marketeers now states, that they set aside a larger portion of their marketing budget for video productions during 2020, coincidence? We think not.
In other words: What a great time it is to be a video creator.
Decide the best distribution channel for your video

With the increase of video providers, you need a good understanding of all the different distribution channels to consider – both their advantages as well as their disadvantages.
When it comes right down to it, you can create a rather fantastic story. For example, a 60 seconds video in widescreen format. Now, if the viewer only watches the first 5 seconds and the channel favors 1:1 format, it doesn’t matter how great a story you create. The story won’t be perceived as you initially intended. This means a lot of wasted advertising spend for your client. Not distributing your video on the most ideal channel will hinder your client in reaching their goals, ultimately leading to dissatisfied clients.
Main thing to remember when choosing a distribution channel
Making sure to have an exact idea of how you build your visual story, based on how the ad format works, means you’re already well on the way in doing your clients extra happy. Having that overview also means that your video production is seen and perceived as you intended.
We know that this is much easier said than done. For that reason, we have created a complete guide for how you can navigate through the different ad formats on social media.
Explanation | Paid social media vs. Owned social media
This guide is based on the two types of social media you can distribute video on.
1. Paid social media and
2. Owned social media

Paid social media: The online channels an advertiser will pay for. The advertiser pays to be visible to reach both existing and potential new viewers. For example, Facebook Video ads.
Owned social media: The channels an advertiser owns him-/herself. This means that the advertiser doesn’t pay for distributing the video. Often this means that the advertiser reaches their already existing clients and leads.
Keep in mind that choosing one channel doesn’t rule out every other channel. On the contrary, it can be greatly beneficial for you to distribute the same video across many different channels and video formats on both Paid Social Media and Owned Social Media.
Paid social media
The following section reviews the typical Paid Social Media channels and their associated video ad formats
Each video format contains a brief description of when the video format is good to use and some general tips to get the most out of the video format. We’ll also recommend the best technical video specs.
Facebook video ads
With more than 2.3 billion monthly users, Facebook is one of the more ideal platforms for your video production. Facebook offers multiple options for video advertising. Trying tonavigate through all those options can be next to impossible.
So, we did the work for you:
1. Facebook Video Ads
Facebook Video Ads | Description
Facebook Video Ads are great for both reach, engagement, and conversion. Additionally, Facebook Video Ads can be placed in almost all the same places as static images can – the same applies for Instagram.
Facebook Video Ads | When
Facebook Video Ads are great for almost all types of video ads. If the goal includes reach, engagement, clicks, or conversions, it’s a solid option…
Facebook Video Ads | Tips
- Capture the viewer’s attention quickly. On average a viewer will move on from a “mundane” post after 1.7 seconds. Point being – maybe you guessed it already – don’t be mundane. If you get creative and manage to keep the viewer’s attention for the first 3 seconds, studies show that 65% of viewers will watch a least 10 seconds more of your video. Now, in the game of winning viewers – those 10 seconds can play a major role in achieving your (clients) goal.
- Make sure that your video is mobile friendly. Over 95% access Facebook via their mobile. For this reason, it is recommended that you use a 9:16 vertical and/or 1:1 square format.
- Create a version of your video that isn’t longer than max. 15 seconds. People are busy – and believe it or not – those 15 seconds can seem like an eternity on social media. Unless of course, it’s something that catches the viewer’s attention immediately. Now, that isn’t us stating that you shouldn’t create a long version of your video. Rather, it is us emphasizing the importance of making sure you create a short, eye-catching video
- The viewer should know your brand name within the first 3 seconds. If one of your goals is to increase brand awareness, the brand name needs to be mentioned at the very beginning of your video.
- Use thumbnail images and titles to capture viewers’ attention.
- Optimize the video to work without sound. People watch the video on their mobile, and as a default, the sound doesn’t start automatically. So, make sure that the message you want to convey can come across as intended regardless of sound.
- Add subtitles. Adding subtitles/captions can help you achieve longer interactions with the viewers. And what you want is to have interactions that last as long as possible.
- Upload your video in the highest resolution that you have available– it would be such a shame if you had worked so hard on creating just the right content, only to have it ruined by an unclear resolution.
- Try out some new formats. Facebook videos have a 360-degree feature. This feature alone extends the interaction by 40% compared to “regular” videos.
Facebook Collection Ads

Facebook Collection Ads | Description
Facebook Collection Ads (also called a collection ad) is the ad format most often used to get people from the Newsfeed to Instant Experience Ads.
It is a mobile-only format, which allows you to combine video, slideshow, and/or images in the same ad format. This ad format can appear in News on Facebook (mobile) and News on Instagram.
When people click on a Collection Ad, they will automatically be redirected to an Instant Experience Ad.
Facebook Collection Ads | When
Different templates are good for different purposes. Below, we have gathered some bulletins for what purposes the different templates are good for;
- Instant Storefront: Good for showing products. You have to have a minimum of 4 products. Use this template when you want the viewer to visit the site/app to buy one or more of your products.
- Instant Lookbook:Gives the viewer good visual brand stories. This template is good touse if the purpose is to create brand commitment.
- Instant Customer acquisition: Use when you have a specific goal, such as click-to-site or other actions.
- Instant Storytelling: Good for brand awareness and the softer brand stories.
- Instant Form: Allows the viewer to easily share their contact information to learn more about your offerings.
Facebook Collection Ads | Tips
- Combine video and image. The video should act as Hero, where relevant images can be added to selected images.
Facebook Collection Ads | Video Specs
Format: MP4 or MOV Aspect
Ratio: 1:1 or 16:9
Compression: H.264 Compression
Stereo: AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
No black bar, No pillar or letterboxing
Max size: 4GB
Max length: 120 minutes
Minimum length: 1 second