CERRIDWEN: Stonhenge

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CERRIDWEN: Stonhenge



Ok So finally I get to work with a SuperModel, Petra Nemcova made it all go easily. The location for shot one was at Stonehenge and to be honest the weather was looking great. The call time for us was 5.30am as to shoot at Stonhenge incurred a cost of £1000 for 2 hours and you had to shoot all you needed  but leave the central circle for 8.00am as the visitors arrived.

Must say i was a little if not a lot apprehensive as i was shooting the famous PETRA NEMCOVA, could I shoot without nerves or messing up? Of course with the support of Phil and some inward mental rebalancing we were ready. The lighting was simple as was the concept although trying to shoot with an imaginary moon in her hand was sounding a little challenging but visualisation is a great thing ( No visuals were prepared or shown just hearsay !)

PETRA NEMCOVA a Dream to work with

Petra is one of the worlds top models, you would expect an attitude to suit but she was the most endearing and gracious lady  we have worked with. Professional she was and understanding of how the shot was to look without any prior knowledge. She was  happy to work with me and teamnader based on the images already shot for my book whilst in Pula. I had created many great looks with the other girls and these had inspired her to fly over and become part of the calendar. Phil had managed to secure the location as part of the production by TeamNader.

How it all mapped out.

The convoy pulled up by chance on the side of the road near to Stonehenge where the hay bales were. The client wanted me to create a Tuscan look which was a tall order as there were no tall cyprus trees, however the permission to shoot granted by the farmer allowed the staging of Diana.

The sun had gone but some interesting cloud formations had appeared and around 9.30am we started to shoot next to one large roll of hay. The team were tired and not many could imagine the completed effect as the client had not provided visuals. It was up to me and the team to visualise this for them

Petra Nemcova was more than just a professional, her understanding of Diana was important. It needed a strength to the shot. The dress made entirely from pigeon feathers was unusual and striking and really  helped make this shot what is. The video below shows me working with her to create the strength and dramatic look to make this a believable character. Knowing and ready to act she appears sensual but deadly!

STONEHENGE: The famous landmark agrees to shoot.

In the insert shot below you can see the intimate shoot, close up with the wide angel lens allowed James to work up a great shooting relationship in a relatively short time. Feeling comfortable with the shoot, location and model was key and Petra kept a keen focus and what was needed. She believed totally in the concept and offered her own direction tot he image taking.

Video: The shooting of Diana & Cerridwen

In the video

Petra Nemcova prepares for her shoot and you can see James working up the shot with Teamnader. Phil Connor in control of the output for the Broncolor Move. As the model was moving the lighting sweet spot was the face so Phil kept a cool focus and making sure it hit the spot. Its nice to see the professional Petra nailing the shot each time and her cooperation was fabulous.

petra nemcova


  • Temp: 18c
  • Camera: Hasselblad H4D
  • Lens: Hasselblad 24mm and H110mm
  • Shutter: 1/125
  • Aperture: F5.6
  • ISO: 100
  • Any Problems: just nervous at shooting Petra!!!
  • Model: Petra Nemcova SuperModel
  • TeamNader – James & Phil 
  • Producer Marco – Lambertz
  • Styling – Lorand
  • Makeup – Chris
  • Other team members, Tom, Petra, Mary

This was the original concept for the final image , however i felt it looked a little too composted and didn’t seem to balance with the other images too well. We went with the image at the top as this looked more like a fashion shot.

cerridwen original


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